Prevalence of heart failure by BMI and glucose metabolism classes

The interplay between excess weight and hyper-glycemia on NCDs in Italy: results from a cross-sectional study

Within each BMI class, the presence of impaired fasting glucose, and to a greater extent diabetes mellitus, identified subgroups of individuals with a marked increase in the risk of concomitant chronic conditions.

May 2024 · Vincenzo Atella, Federico Belotti, Matilde Giaccherini, Gerardo Medea, Antonio Nicolucci, Andrea Piano Mortari, Paolo Sbraccia
Average BMI class expenditure by age

Lifetime costs of overweight and obesity in Italy

Our findings show that compared to normo-weight patients, the obese generate the largest cost differential over the entire life cycle, while the overweight spends less than the normo-weight, mainly because of savings generated starting from early middle age onward

February 2024 · Vincenzo Atella, Federico Belotti, Matilde Giaccherini, Gerardo Medea, Antonio Nicolucci, Andrea Piano Mortari, Paolo Sbraccia
Average healthcare outpatient expenditure by BMI classes

Outpatient healthcare costs associated with overweight and obesity in Italy

Data relative to 991,917 adults were analyzed. Annual per capita expenditure rose from 252.2 Euro among individuals with normal weight to 752.9 Euro among those with class 3 obesity

June 2023 · Vincenzo Atella, Federico Belotti, Claudio Cricelli, Matilde Giaccherini, Gerardo Medea, Antonio Nicolucci, Andrea Piano Mortari, Paolo Sbraccia
Inpatient and outpatient costs differentials wrt normal weight

Excess body weight increases the burden of age-associated chronic diseases and their associated health care expenditures

In this very large study, 557,145 men and women older than 18 years were analyzed to assess the association between aging, excessive adiposity and health costs

October 2015 · Vincenzo Atella, Joanna Kopinska, Gerardo Medea, Federico Belotti, Valeria Tosti, Andrea Piano Mortari, Claudio Cricelli, Luigi Fontana