

In this paper we simulate BMI lifetime profile costs based on longitudinal electronic clinical data on a large representative sample of the Italian population. In particular, we simulate how patients belonging to different BMI classes (normo-weight, overweight, and obese (I, II, and III)) generate different lifetime cost profiles within the primary care setting. Our findings show that compared to normo-weight patients, the obese generate the largest cost differential over the entire life cycle, while the overweight spends less than the normo-weight, mainly because of savings generated starting from early middle age onward. According to the OECD projections, a steady increase in obesity rates is estimated until at least 2030, with a significant economic impact. Our estimate could represent an important reference for policymakers to prioritize public interventions against the obesity pandemic.

Average healthcare outpatient expenditure by BMI classes


Atella, V., Belotti, F., Giaccherini, M., Medea, G., Nicolucci, A., Piano Mortari, A., Sbraccia, P. “Lifetime costs of overweight and obesity in Italy”. Economics and Human Biology. 2024.

	author = {Atella, Vincenzo and Belotti, Federico and Giaccherini, Matilde and Medea, Gerardo and Nicolucci, Antonio and {Piano Mortari}, Andrea and Sbraccia, Paolo},
	journal = {Economics and Human Biology},
	number = {},
	pages = {},
	title = {Lifetime costs of overweight and obesity in Italy},
	volume = {},
	year = {2024}}